Handwriting Legibility Improvement

 Sharing one of my student’s exceptional 6 month progress accomplishment in HANDWRITING. This work is from a 17 year old student, whom I have been working with for 6 months 1x/week. We’ve been working on underlying SENSORY PROCESSING skills which contribute significantly to handwriting proficiency: Vestibular, Tactile, and Proprioceptive. We also used Integrated Listening Systems’ Focus Program for Sensory-Motor Integration, which enhances Brain-Body connections.

Note the page on the left displays poor visual spatial awareness and manuscript written only in upper case. Whereas, the page on the right, 6 months later, shows a significant improvement in line placement of letters, sizing, spacing between letters and words, legibility, and use of both upper and lower case letters. Success comes with consistent efforts! And it’s never too late to improve!!

Yours in Handwriting Excellence,

Marla Scaglione, MS, OTR/L


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